An Airport Digital Transformation Product Management Professional, with a keen interest in aviation safety. Edwin started his career in the UK as a Systems Engineer working on decision support tools for area Controllers, before becoming a Safety Specialist leading work on safety benefit (and cost) modelling and being integral in establishing UK airports safety strategy and unit operational safety plans to measure, manage and mitigate operational safety risk. Having programme / project managed major complex airport changes such as Follows the Greens, AMAN, Dependent Parallel Approaches (outside of ICAO) and the Smart Tower Prototype in the UK, UAE and Singapore, Edwin is using his on the ground knowledge and experience to unlock the benefits of Digital Towers and establish the NATS’ Airport Digital Transformation Roadmap
13 November 2023 | 12:00 - 12:40 | Panel: How do remote towers fit into the broader landscape of technological advancements in air traffic management?
Now remote towers are a reality, this session will explore the opportunities and implications of remote towers for ATC, airport operations and infrastructure.